Link) INSTINT 2014 – Joel Gethin Lewis
by hans on 08/1/2015INSTINT 2014 – Joel Gethin Lewis from Eyeo Festival // INSTINT on Vimeo.
Just Get Lost – Joel talks about his experiences working at IBM, Fabrica, United Visual Artists and setting up Hellicar&Lewis. He looks at his my own practice vs. that of the studio, a work/life balance and wider goals.
Between 1998 and 2001 Joel studied Mathematics and Computer Science at Imperial, before completing an MA in Interaction Design at the Royal College of Art in 2003. Post-graduation he worked at Benetton’s communication research centre, Fabrica, before returning to London where he worked as the interaction designer at UnitedVisualArtists – collaborating and touring with the likes of Battles, U2 and Massive Attack, as well as installation works such as Monolith, Volume and Hereafter. After discovering openFrameworks in 2007 through Chris O’Shea, Joel co-founded Hellicar&Lewis in 2008 with Pete Hellicar. The business was founded with the express aim of building a creative business around Open Source.
正に、”Intelligent, inspiring and refreshing”.
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